Featured Matches - ISML 2010 Topaz Period
Topaz Period, Round 1

#4 Katsura Hinagiku (7-0) vs. #15 Sanzen'in Nagi (5-2)
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Today's same-series match features two young prodigies decking it out on the ISML stage. On one side, we have the Hakuō Gakuen Student Council President and defending ISML champion, Katsura Hinagiku. On the other side, we have the billionaire-otaku-genius who entered high school at the age of 13, Sanzen'in Nagi. These two girls have 3 things in common: the same love interest, a delicate bustline, and a fierce desire for the Topaz necklace. Hinagiku will be trying to retain her ISML title as well as bagging as many necklaces this year, while Nagi, having missed the Postseason by only 1 place (and 1 match) 2 years ago, will try to make up for it by getting into the Top 16 this year. So which of these two intelligent (and petite-chested) girls will win today? 今天,我們有兩位來自‘旋風管家’,十分聰明的少女在國際最萌大賽的舞台上對決。在一方面,我們有白皇學院的生徒會長,上一屆國際最萌大賽的冠軍,桂雛菊。在另一方,我們有御宅族的千金天才少女,三千院凪。她們兩個有三點共同之處:她們都喜歡同一個人,她們都是平胸的,還有她們都希望贏取黃玉項鏈。雛菊要以上一屆的冠軍贏取這次的賽事和更多的項鏈,而兩年前差一場就打進十六強的凪希望在這年補償當時的失誤。那今天,這兩位聰明(又平胸)的少女當中誰會贏呢? |

#3 Shana (7-0) vs. #8 Suzumiya Haruhi (6-1)
Why is this match big? Let's count the ways. Firstly, this is a clash of 2009's top girls (Shana was #1 entering Double Elimination and Haruhi was #2). Secondly, this battle features the two winningest girls in ISML history (Shana enters the day with 128 regular season wins, while Haruhi has 125). Thirdly, Haruhi pulled out a win in their 2008 clash, but Shana got revenge last year. This is the rubber match in the series. Fourthly, Shana has won 61 straight regular season matches, just seven short of the record set during 2008 and 2009 by... Suzumiya Haruhi. Lastly, after a surprising loss to Saber on Day 1, Haruhi has recovered nicely. But if she wants to be considered a true contender for the Tiara, a win today is crucial. |

#9 Nagato Yuki (6-1) vs. #10 Sakagami Tomoyo (6-1)
After overcoming a bitter loss in the opening round of Aquamarine, the '09 Aquamarine necklace holder comfortably won her next few matches and now sits confidently on a 6-1 record. Now, however, she faces a difficult opponent that has once throttled her chances of gaining the Topaz Necklace. Nagato Yuki beat Tomoyo by a mere 66 votes last year, securing her with the '09 Topaz Necklace. Unfortunately for her, Tomoyo had the last laugh when she eliminated her from the race to the Tiara by 122 votes in the Double Elimination Tournament. Yuki will need to overcome this difficult obstacle in order to not only defend her Topaz necklace title, but to get revenge and avoid a back-to-back loss after a humiliating defeat in Aquamarine 7. So, will the School President prove too much, or can the humanoid interface solve this difficult problem? |

#5 Aisaka Taiga (6-1) vs. #12 Senjōgahara Hitagi (6-1)
Entering the opening round of Topaz at 5th place in the rankings is the Palmtop Tiger, Aisaka Taiga. Despite a 6-1 record, it is still an admirable performance in an increasingly competitive environment that has seen many strong names from last year entering Topaz 2010 with records that pales in comparison to their achievements at the end of Aquamarine 2009. As for her opponent, coming in at 12th place with a similar 6-1 performance and an even similar dominating personality is newcomer, Senjōgahara Hitagi. While it is difficult to gauge Hitagi's strength based on her battles up till now, it is this unpredictability that makes this match even more interesting as both are expected to go all out to come out on top. So will Taiga take out Hitagi with a punch and slash enroute to victory? Or will Hitagi make Taiga stand down with a stapler and box cutter to the mouth. |
Thanks to amdrag, hinasukisuki, Kiopi, and Mandarin for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Period, Round 2

Harada Riku (D.N.Angel) vs. Rosemary Applefield (Ashita no Nadja)
하 라다 리쿠 (D.N.Angel) vs. 로즈마리 애플필드 (내일의 나쟈)
原田梨紅 ( D・N・ANGEL ) vs. ローズマリー アップルフィールド (明日のナージャ)
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With this match, we explore the humble beginning of moe tournaments which existed as fringe activity during 2003 ~ 4, even though the concept of moe was already being exploited by the commercial anime industry by then. The champions of moe tournaments were more of a reflection of what was established 'taste' of anime fans rather than emerging new 'tastes,' thus victories of Harada Riku in 2003 and Rosemary Applefield in 2004 signify maturation of important trends in anime style, a rise of 'non-traditional' heroine archetypes and 'sympathetic villains.' Riku's win, along with Kinomoto Sakura's win one year earlier, signified that the marketability of a boyish heroine-type no longer trails the 'Yamato Nadeshiko' types. Rosemary's crown can be interpreted to mean that fans now appreciate vivid antagonists as much as the main heroine, if not more. Although neither are progenitors of their archetypes, it is important to consider that their archetypes haven't been honored over the main heroine of their respectful series before them. As for their 'offspring,' Katsura Hinagiku can be considered to share many traits with Harada Riku, thus Riku may be treated as sort of link between Sakura and Hinagiku, while Rosemary can be symbol of revolution of villains, with many bearing close resemblance to her, especially characters like Suigintou and Kisaragi Chihaya, and may have evolved to character like Kawashima Ami and Illyasviel. Maybe we can see which character-type 'spice' today's anime fans enjoy more. 하 라다 리쿠는 2003년 사이모에 우승자이며 로즈마리는 2004년 사이모에 우승자이다. 이때 당시 모토는 아직 소수 애니팬들이 즐기는 작은 행사였으며 모토 우승자는 애니팬들의 모에에 대한 새로운 인식보다는 어떤 모에 유형이 통용되는지를 반영한다고 할 수 있다. 그럼으로 리쿠와 로즈마리의 승리는 애니계에서 '반-전통적 여주인공' 유형과 '동정할 수 있는 악당' 유형이 많이 유행하였음을 보여주는 예라고 할 수 있다. 그중 리쿠의 승리는 '사내다운 여성' 유형의 상업적 가능성이 더이상 '요조 숙녀 주인공' 유형에 딸리지 않는 다는 것을 증명하였다고 할 수 있으며, 로즈마리의 승리는 애니팬들이 일반적 여주인공보다 '인상적인 악당'을 더 갈망할 수도 있다는 것을 보여주었다고 할 수 있다. 두 인물 모두 각각 유형의 원조는 아니나, 이전과는 달리 해당 작품의 핵심 주인공의 인지도를 넘었다는 것에서 자신의 속한 유형의 인물들이 계속 나오면서 발전할 수 있게 한 중요한 중간 고리라고 할 수 있다. 최근 인물로 하라다 리쿠를 닮은 인물로는 카츠라 히나기쿠를 들 수 있는데, 체육관련 부활동, 높은 요리 능력, 정의를 위해서 좀 무대포로 덤비는 것들 등, 여러 닮은 점을 찾을 수 있다. 로즈마리의 경우, 비슷한 경우로 스이긴토를 찾을 수 있다. 불행한 과거, 처음에 순진하게 주인공과 친한 것, 주인공이 배신하였다고 부당하게 믿는 것, 영광의 자리를 차지하겠다는 의욕이 악의적이며 파괴적으로 분출되는 것, 숨겨진 주인공에 대한 애착 같은 요소들을 스이긴토가 가지게 된 것에 로즈마리의 인지도가 관계 있을 수 있다고 생각한다. 둘다 나름대로의 '짜릿함'과 '독특함'을 가지고 있는데 이제 애니팬들은 여성 애니 인물에게 어떤 '자극'을 더 원하는 지 궁금하다. |

Tōsaka Rin (5-3) vs. Holo (5-3)
The red mage and the wise wolf both finished with a 4-3 record in Aquamarine, and both have won their first rounds here in Topaz. Both girls were in the double elimination last year and finished at 8th and 16th respectively. Today, they have to cross paths again for a deciding match on the Topaz Necklace run and possibly the Tiara in the long run. Rin may have the upper hand with the new Unlimited Blade Works movie that gives much focus on her; however Holo, with the new novel coming out and some other exports, could defeat the mage with her wit. Tonight, someone will win and someone must lose. Will the Red Mage with her jewelry prove more superior than the wolf, or will the wise one with her spice outwit the mage? |
Thanks to maglor and MindSaber for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Period, Round 3

#13 Fate Testarossa (6-3, 1-1) vs. Takamachi Nanoha (5-4, 1-1)
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Diamond 9, 2008. Sapphire 6, 2009. Elimination Round of 16, 2009. On all three of these match days, Takamachi Nanoha headed into battle against a girl many would consider her 'frienemy', Fate Testarossa. Not only has Nanoha lost all three matches, but she has been beaten by an approximate 2:1 margin in each match. But the lyrical girl has reason for hope; It took 55 matches for Fate to reach three losses in 2008 and 36 matches to reach that mark in 2009. This year, Fate reached the three-loss mark in only 8 matches. With the Enforcer vulnerable, is this the day where Nanoha finally breaks through against her part-time rival? |

Sakurano Kurimu (4-5, 0-2) vs. Illyasviel von Einzbern (6-3, 1-1)
Today's match features two cute leaders in their respective series. Illysaviel controls an entire castle and wins battles with the help of her giant hero. As a repeat ISML competitor, she has not lost sight of making her way into the Top 16 and so far has done her job winning a majority of her matches. While not as powerful, Kurimu still holds an important job leading an entire student council and she does not tolerate failures. She has had a tough time getting used to being a new face in ISML, but she has managed to earn her share of victories as well. Which one has the leadership skills needed to win today's match? |

Furukawa Nagisa (6-3, 2-0) vs. Shiina Mafuyu (5-4, 1-1)
CLANNAD's eight representatives are a combined 27-45, and without last year's tournament qualifiers Sakagami Tomoyo and Fujibayashi Kyō, that mark would be 14-40. One of the show's few bright spots thus far has been Furukawa Nagisa, who seemed 'sick' during a 1-2 start, but has recovered by scoring victories in five out of her last six matches. If she wants to keep the momentum going and stay in the hunt for the Topaz necklace, she'll have to conquer Shiina Mafuyu. The yaoi-loving treasurer's performance has been solid thus far, but a victory over a veteran Nagisa would go a long way to putting her in the early hunt for a spot in the Double-Elimination tournament. The question is, will the winner of this match be sick, or perverted? The dango has proven that she still has some energy left in her weak body. But tonight she will fight the leading council member in the standings. Both of them are weak, timid, and fragile to condition, but they have proven that they are no crybaby in the contest. Nagisa and Mafuyu both won against their respective opponents in the last round. They also finished their Aquamarine campaign with a 4-3 record. Tonight, they both meet in a match that could be very important. The Dango is hoping to maintain her pursuit of the necklace, and the Treasurer wants to prove that the council isn't just there to chill around. Will Nagisa and her acting skills take the voters' hearts, or will Mafuyu with her gaming skills win the battle? |
Thanks to amdrag, hinakatbklyn, and MindSaber for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Period, Round 4

Alice Margatroid vs. Kirisame Marisa
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There will be magic in the air when these two magicians from Tōhō Project clash. Thanks to a rule change, none of the Tōhō girls were eligible to enter ISML 2010, which meant that Kirisame Marisa had no chance to improve upon her performance. While not overly impressive, a 15-48 mark last year was good enough for the second-best record among the Tōhō girls. More importantly, that 15-48 mark means that she has 63 matches of experience in ISML, which is 63 more than Alice Margatroid possesses. She has only one chance to make a mark on the ISML, and she'll do everything she can to take advantage today. When it comes to victory in this match, which of these girls will steal the precious thing? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (7-3) vs. Suzumiya Haruhi (8-2)
The match of stubbornness has arrived at ISML as these two headstrong girls face off each other in an epic match of pure obstinance. In ISML 2009 Haruhi defeated Nagi by over 300 votes, but Nagi has managed to amend that by taking the title of Japan's most stubborn character in recent polls. So which of these two confident girls will win this match today -- the arrogant SOS Brigade Leader Suzumiya Haruhi or the spoiled heiress Sanzen'in Nagi? |
Thanks to amdrag and Wolfnagi for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Period, Round 5

Candice White Ardlay (Candy Candy) vs. Oscar François de Jarjayes (The Rose of Versailles)
캔디스 화이트 알드레이 (캔디 캔디) 대 오스카 프랑소아 드 잘제 (베르사이유의 장미)
キャンディス・ホワイト・アードレー (キャンディ♥キャンディ) vs. オスカル・フランソワ・ド・ジャルジェ (ベルサイユの ばら)
小甜甜 (小甜甜) vs. 奧斯卡.法蘭索瓦.德.傑爾吉 (凡爾賽玫瑰)
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"The 1970's Shoujo Manga Match" — Several pop culture experts are known to have said something in the line of "After Candy Candy, half of the romance stories in all genres in Japan and Korea will merely be plagiarized versions of this manga." Due to such wide spread imitation of the story, Candice's unfortunate-but-hard-working-nice-girl archetype still is the most commonly found aspect of the main heroine, even to this day. Recent examples include heroines of the Hana Yori Dango or Ouran High School Host Club series. Yet why only half? One of the reasons was the extreme popularity of The Rose of Versailles series and its main heroine, the cross dressing knight, Oscar. Oscar is the most well known of early female-dressing-like-male characters, as well as female ultimate-noble-knight characters. Any female characters often involved with crossdressing issues or frequently seen in duels owe part of their existence to Oscar. For example, while some view Katsura Hinagiku's butler suit as homage to Utena, it can be considered as homage to Oscar as well since the Utena series was inspired by Rose of Versailles. This match probably pits the most feminine character of the 1970's against the female character with largest number of female followers, both in the real and fictional world during that decade. So will the voters choose the gentle or the strong? 캔디캔디 의 캔디 대 베르사이유의 장미에서의 오스칼 : 70년대 순정만화의 혼? — 아 마 이 대결은 70년대의 가장 여성적인 여주인공과 가장 남성적인 여주인공 사이의 대결이라고 할 수 있습니다. 캔디캔디는 단순 만화 수준을 넘어서서, 일본과 한국의 대중문화 전반에 깊이 영향을 미친 작품으로 "캔디캔디 이후 연애물의 절반은 캔디캔디의 표절이다" 라는 주장까지 있을 정도입니다. 그 때문에 캔디처럼 불행하지만 열심히 사는 착한 성품의 여주인공 유형은 아직도 가장 흔하게 볼수 있는 유형이며, 지금까지도 많은 드라마나 영화의 여주인공이 캔디에 비교되고 있습니다. 최근 예를 들면 '오란 고교'의 후지오카 하루히나 '꽃보다 남자'에서의 마키노 츠쿠시마저 캔디유형 주인공이라 할 수 있습니다. 다르게 말하면 캔디는 동양 고전에서 흔하게 나오던 외유내강형 여주인공의 완성형이라고 할 수도 있습니다. 그런데 왜 절반만일까요? 그 이유중 하나는 '캔디' 못지않게 '베르사이유의 장미'의 인기가 대단하였으며 이 작품의 상징인 남장기사 오스칼이 남녀 구분없이 많은 독자들에게 사랑받았기 때문입니다. 60년대 '리본의 기사'에서 이미 남장기사 여주인공이 등장하였지만, 오스칼은 배경지식이 없이 작품의 일부분만 보면 액션물의 남주인공으로 착각할 정도로 강력한 전사이며, 인물의 내면적 갈등의 깊이는 사파이어의 왕자와 차원이 다르다고 할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어 카츠라 히나기쿠가 전투배틀편에 등장할 때 했던 차림을 두고 여러 시청자들은 우테나의 패러디라 하였는데, 소녀혁명 우테나 자체가 베르사이유의 장미의 영향을 받았다는 것을 생각해 보면 이를 넓게 보아 오스칼의 패러디라 할 수도 있습니다. 오스칼의 흔적은 아직까지도 많은 여전사들에게서 발견되고 있습니다. 자 여러분은 부드러움을 고르시렵니까, 강함을 고르시렵니까? |
Thanks to maglor and Cafeinlove (카페인러브) for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Period, Round 6

Maria (4-8, 2-3) vs. #1 Misaka Mikoto (12-0, 5-0)
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This is a much different Mikoto then what we had seen last year; the candidate whom finished a quiet 42nd has yet to lose a single match. For the second period in a row, Mikoto enters Round 6 leading the necklace standings, but this time, she's in a much better position thanks to her luck of the draw. However, she shouldn't test it. Crazier things have happened in ISML, and the fact that not many upsets have yet to happen this season only serves as indication that they might come sooner than later. Despite a .333 record, Mikoto's opponent tonight isn't a slouch - Maria finished 4th in the '07 Korea Super Best Moe Invitational, a tourney that featured some of the best names on the planet. Will we see a surprise tonight or will Mikoto head to the 7th round with a legitimate chance at Topaz? |

#10 Fate Testarossa (9-3, 4-1) vs. Nymph (2-10, 1-4)
At first glance of these two, you would think cute and mysterious. But that's where their similarities end. Nymph has no problems getting involved in everyday life, and she doesn't worry about what anyone else thinks. Fate has managed to adjust to everyday life as well, but it took a lot of help from friends before she opened up a little more. As it turns out, that very same help along with her abilities has earned her consecutive Top 16 appearances and a tiara to go along with it. Nymph has been struggling lately, but she has proven that she will not go down without a fight. Will Fate strike down her opponent on her way to another Top 16 appearance, or will Nymph prove that she can be more than just a spoiler and become a challenger for the Top 16? |

#5 Aisaka Taiga (11-1, 5-0) vs. Furukawa Nagisa (8-4, 4-1)
The 2009 Dual Japan/Korea Champion is currently 5th in the Topaz standings, but don't be surprised if Aisaka Taiga finds her way to 2nd when we head to the 7th round. She received a good draw this match compared to current Topaz leader Misaka Mikoto, and another good one in the final round will put Taiga in striking distance for Topaz. However, that will mean nothing if she doesn't win today against Furukawa Nagisa, a candidate whom barely missed the cut for the Tiara's Double Elimination Trial last year. Remember, despite the fact that two other CLANNAD characters have found great success in ISML, Nagisa is the series' main heroine, and she wants to prove that she belongs with the best of the best. Can an unlikely upset stop the Palmtop Tiger's incredible run or will Taiga prove too much to overcome? |
Thanks to hinakatbklyn and minhtam1638 for contributing today's match previews.
Topaz Period, Round 7

#1 Misaka Mikoto (13-0, 6-0) vs. #2 Katsura Hinagiku (13-0, 6-0)
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Where has Misaka Mikoto seen this before? Back in the Aquamarine finale, Mikoto was leading with two competitors right on her heels, and she was paired with one of the two and won only to see the other one waltz right by. Tonight, the Topaz finale could either feel like the same song, second verse, or it could feel even worse. Mikoto's opponent tonight is none other than defending Tiara champion Katsura Hinagiku, who has been in a position like this numerous times already, and continuing on the same hot streak that propelled her to victory last year, it would be no surprise if she is considered the favorite in today's match. However, Mikoto has already taken down the other 2009 champion in Aisaka Taiga this year, and a victory over Hinagiku could propel Mikoto into a career like no other. Could Mikoto culminate her comeback story with a necklace to call her own, or will Hinagiku add a second necklace to her Ruby? |

#6 Saber (12-1, 6-0) vs. #3 Akiyama Mio (13-0, 6-0)
Saber and Mio have have perfect scores this Period, but their SDO ranks put them in difficult spots in the necklace race. Tonight these two Contestants cross paths for the first time. Saber has been known as a strong contender in the early part of the season, but each year she has missed the playoffs because off her inconsistencies in the second half of the regular season. Mio on the other hand was taken out in the first round of last year's Saimoe by one of the Minami sisters, but she has made a big comeback since then -- her latest success is having the Aquamarine necklace in her possession. Could Saber claim her first perfect Period, or will Mio completes her second one in a row? |

#5 Aisaka Taiga (12-1, 6-0) vs. #13 Fujibayashi Kyō (10-3, 5-1)
Lost within the marquee #1 vs. #2 match is the fact that Aisaka Taiga is still realistically eligible to actually win the Topaz Necklace; a Hinagiku win over Mikoto could give Taiga a 40% shot at the necklace, and if her luck holds, her SDO rating will cooperate. However, Taiga needed a good draw to put herself in a better position to win her first necklace, and what she got instead was somebody who's (5-1). (5-1), however, doesn't necessarily mean a freebie; Fujibayashi Kyō is a proven candidate with one necklace and two top-five regular season finishes on her resumé, and she's working hard to get herself ready to contend for the Amethyst necklace. Taiga better not get to ahead of herself, but will the Palm-Top Tiger secure a chance at her first necklace or will she get a concussion from a dictionary? |

#8 Sakagami Tomoyo (11-2, 5-1) vs. #10 Nakano Azusa (11-2, 5-1)
While these two challengers have different goals in mind, what they both agree on is to excel at the goals that they have set for themselves. Azusa may have been late to the group party, but she is a very quick learner. If anyone thought she couldn't be taken seriously, many challengers have taken notice of her recent victory over Kyō. All her hard work has earned her a top 10 standing both overall and in Topaz in just her first year. Tomoyo on the other hand is not that impressed. She has been working a lot longer to reach her goals than Azusa has. She has also stopped many who stood in her way. So far she has proven that her top-5 status last year was no fluke. Can Tomoyo prove that experience and abilities will win out in the end, or can Azusa use her new found experience and power to surpass the vetaran and anyone else who crosses her path? |

Sanzen'in Nagi (9-4, 4-2) vs. Holo (8-5, 4-2)
The way to the top 16 has been difficult for both Nagi and Holo. Both have won and lost the same amount of matches in Topaz, which puts them on the same ground. Two tigers can't share a mountain forever, though; one needs to leave. Today it is time to decide who is going to continue her way to top 16 and who is going to leave to find another path. Nagi could be the underdog of this match, since Holo won over Nagi with a score of 1641-1328 and was in the top 16 last year. Will Nagi be able to stay on the mountain this time, or will Holo kick her again just like last year? |

#9 Sengoku Nadeko (11-2, 5-1) vs. #11 Suzumiya Haruhi (11-2, 5-1)
The God-empress may be weakening; could two losses already in the first two Periods mark the beginning of her decline? Meanwhile, the strength seen from Nadeko, another diety, has been enormous, and she has the best record out of the Bakemonogatari characters. Haruhi has not given up yet, winning her last 5 matches by a large margin. Nadeko must go all-out on this match to claim victory and put pressure on Haruhi's winning streak. Tonight, at the climax of the Topaz Period, can the Snake deity prove the stronger goddess, or will the SOS Brigade leader prove too great to defeat? |

#15 Tōsaka Rin (9-4, 5-1) vs. Shiina Mafuyu (8-5, 4-2)
The time for glows and sparkles of the round is coming. The Red Mage is making her way back to the Top 16, defeating her last two opponents in a big blowout battles. On the other side of the arena, Rin's opponent is the leading member of the student council who has high hopes since entering ISML this year. For Mafuyu, this battle is important for raising the student council's position as a contender for the necklace, or even the Tiara. Tonight, at the battle of gems and games, could Rin be victorious again, or will the treasurer get the upset? |

#12 Fate Testarossa (10-3, 5-1) vs. Hirasawa Yui (9-4, 5-1)
For both Yui and Fate, this match could be the deciding factor of their fate in this tournament. Fate, a former bearer of the Tiara, is in danger of losing her spot in the Top 16. Meanwhile, Yui, a newcomer that made it to the finals in her debut at Saimoe 2009, is knocking the door on the one of the core spots. The Enforcer won her last 5 matches and gains momentum, while Yui has a slightly shorter winning streak from her recent defeat against the humanoid interface Nagato Yuki. Tonight, these two will have a fierce battle for a spot in the core. Will Fate by her "Pray" win the match, or Yui with her "Curry" steals her top-16 spot? |
Thanks to hinakatbklyn, MindSaber, minhtam1638, and Voltorn for contributing today's match previews.