Featured Matches - ISML 2010 Ruby Period
Ruby Period, Round 1

#9 Suzumiya Haruhi (30-5) vs. #2 Katsura Hinagiku (35-0)
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There is no better way to start off the Ruby period than to have a battle between the current and previous Ruby Necklace holders. So far they have met only in the regular season, with Haruhi emerging the victor in both encounters. She earned herself a Top 5 ranking in the past two years along with the Ruby and Diamond Necklaces in 2008. Despite her high ranking in the regular season, Haruhi was unable to carry over that success to the DE tournament. Hinagiku reached the DE tournament with just an above-average record, finishing the regular seasons of 2008 and 2009 with a 9th- and 11th-place finish, but she was able to increase her strength when it counted, winning all of her DE matches and becoming the second Contestant to wear the ISML Tiara. While Hinagiku may have earned the right to relax in this year's tournament, her record this year indicates that she won through hard work and will continue to do the same to defend the Tiara this year. She may have to contend with two more challengers this season who are very tough, but she still wants to make sure that she can get that elusive first win against her opponent today. Can the student-council president pull off another victory and keep her unbeaten streak going this year, or will the goddess prove that she can do no wrong and beat her opponent for the third time? |

#10 Saber (29-6) vs. #15 Sanzen'in Nagi (24-11)
With the ISML regular season nearing its end, the girls in the Top 16 need to be perfectly sure that they are secure in their ranks. Saber is one of those girls who appears to be staying in the Top 16 through the end of the Diamond period. The beautiful swordswoman who had to earn her way to this level has shown her grace and magnificence through many of her matches. However, having reached this comfortable area does not mean she should not slack off. Her opponent, Nagi, seems desperate in wanting to defeat her. Currently holding the #15 rank, Nagi is only in the borderline area of the Top 16, a dangerous place for rising contenders who would do whatever it takes to claim that position. In order for the game otaku to remain in the elite, she would have to keep winning matches, and Saber is her next large stepping stone. Can Nagi defeat Saber and rise with her intelligence, or will Saber gain enough strength to bump her down and make her say goodbye to the Top 16 area? |

#16 Senj?gahara Hitagi (24-11) vs. #1 Akiyama Mio (35-0)
Senj?gahara Hitagi's 24-11 mark thus far is certainly nothing to sneeze at. However, after pulling in the second-most votes during the nomination stage, many felt that Hitagi was destined for greater things. The self-described tsundere needs a win to hang on to the final playoff spot, but today she faces her toughest challenge yet. Akiyama Mio impressed many in the nomination phase when she was the only girl to draw more nominations than Hitagi. One necklace and five perfect periods later, she is still impressing both fans and detractors alike. While her spot in the Double-Elimination Tournament is all but secured, a win today would let her keep pace with the also-undefeated Katsura Hinagiku. Will Hitagi be the one to stop the unstoppable, or will Mio's base (and her bass) continue to rule the ISML? |

#8 Nakano Azusa (30-5) vs. #19 Furukawa Nagisa (22-13)
Nakano Azusa, affectionately known as "Azu-nyan," is certainly the miracle rookie to look out for. Benefiting from a recent string of K-ON!! episodes that have put her in the forefront of viewers' attentions, Azusa has seen her popularity and fanbase support grow to the point where she was able to put up a good fight (albeit a losing one) against Sakagami Tomoyo, Misaka Mikoto, and Shana. Meanwhile, CLANNAD's main female protagonist and overall 17th-ranked Contestant from ISML 2009, Furukawa Nagisa, is currently experiencing mixed fortune so far. Despite having won almost two-thirds of her matches, the impact of other contestants' performances relative to Nagisa have not been kind. Having slipped down to the 19th spot, this timid Dango Kaizoku enthusiast is definitely looking to shore up her rank by opening her Ruby campaign with a win over Azusa. Will Azusa rock the arena with her Fender Mustang '65, or can Nagisa capture the audience with a performance deserving of an encore? |

#14 Fate Testarossa (25-10) vs. #4 Nagato Yuki (32-3)
Former Tiara-winner Fate Testarossa seems to be doing well for herself. Although not performing as well as she had done in the past, Fate still manages to remain in the Top 16 at present, proving that someone of her level will not be taken down so easily, especially when she had spent a few rounds on the other side of the Top-16 line earlier this year. Nagato Yuki is currently maintaining her spot in the Top 8 and hopes to maintain this momentum to her first ISML Championship. She can keep her path clear by endangering Fate's postseason hopes with a victory today. It is an important match between a champion with no necklaces and a contender with two necklaces but no championship title. Who will prevail and be yet one step closer to the postseason? |

#6 Misaka Mikoto (32-3) vs. #7 Sakagami Tomoyo (30-5)
Sakagami Tomoyo has finished five straight Periods with a 6-1 record, but that one loss has also always come in Round 1, ending her hopes for a Necklace very early. Misaka Mikoto instead has won all of her Round 1 matches thus far, but she also has been denied a Necklace in the end from either a 7th Round loss or the SDO tiebreaker. The student council president hopes to break her first-round curse today, but the ace of Tokiwadai is unwilling to end her own first-round streak as well. Both want nothing more than a Necklace at this late point in the season; can Tomoyo pass on the curse to her opponent, or will Misaka continue to shine? |
Thanks to amdrag, hinakatbklyn, Kiopi, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Ruby Period, Round 2

#13 Hirasawa Yui (27-9, 1-0) vs. #7 Nakano Azusa (31-5, 1-0)
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If meeting Akiyama Mio in Ruby 4 is the climax of this same-series showdown, then Nakano Azusa's upcoming match against fellow senior club member Hirasawa Yui would be the build-up. Both contestants enjoyed strong victories over their opponents in the opening round and are now pumped up for a guitarist showdown today. Regarding match preparation, Azusa, the more meticulous and serious of the two, is running a tight practice schedule whereas the more easy-going Yui, as usual, will be enjoying tea and cakes in the companionship of her guitar, Gīta. Only one will rise above the other when today's match is over, but once the music fades out both contenders will return together to the clubroom to a life filled with fun tea parties, idle chatter, and a bit of band practice. |

Erurū (Utawarerumono) vs. Suzumi Tamao (Strawberry Panic!)
에루루 (칭송받는 자) 대 스즈미 타마오 (Strawberry Panic!)
Today's bout is a rematch of the Group H final in Saimoe Japan 2006, the tournament that made Saimoe an international phenomenon. Tamao reached the Round of 16 by defeating notables like Yumemiya Arika, Fuyō Kaede, Rider, Solty Revant, and Hōjō Satoko. At the time, Erurū had defeated Roberta, Revy, Mizunashi Akari, Erstin Ho, and Fujioka Haruhi – no small feat as well. Erurū and Tamao battled for the right to face Fate Testarossa, and their participation in the Group H final earned them a spot in ISML 2008's regular season. Both girls are soft, kind, smart, and helpful to others, but they also possess a bit of a feisty streak. Both had to endure the pain of losing a loved one. They also share a similar physical appearance with long dark hair and long-sleeved, long-skirted outfits. Their differences begin with their roles, with Erurū as a healer and Tamao as a temptress. Erurū is more mature and, as a result, grows into a motherly figure while Tamao starts and remains a sisterly figure. While people may appreciate their mothers much more than their sisters in real life, Erurū and Tamao might not fall in the same template. May be this match may shed some light on which type of family member our voters prefer as the sub-heroine of an anime series. 이번 시합은 모에 토너먼트를 국제적으로 유행시키게 한 대회인 2006년 일본 사이모에의 H조 결승의 재현이라고 할 수 있습니다. 이 16강전에 도달하기 위하여 타마오는 유메미야 아리카, 후요우 카에데, 라이더, 솔티 레반트, 그리고 호죠 사토코같은 유명한 인물들과 싸워야 했었고, 에루루는 로베르타, 레비, 엘스틴 호, 미즈나시 아카리, 그리고 후지오카 하루히 같이 2005-6년을 대표할 수 있는 인물들을 이기고 올라왔어야 했습니다. 이 시합의 승자는 8강전에서 페이트 테스타로싸를 만나게 될 예정이었으며, 그리고 이 둘은 16강전인 이 시합에 진출했다는 이유때문에 2008년 국제사이모에 본선에도 진출하게 되었습니다. 둘 다 모두 상냥하고 얌전하며, 학문에 관심이 많은 여성들로, 남을 잘 도와주며 가끔 성깔을 부리기도 하는 인물들입니다. 거기에 어두운 색 머리카락을 길게 늘어뜨리고 다니며 긴 팔 옷에 긴 치마를 주로 입고 등장하는 등 서로 많이 닮은 인물들입니다. 그렇지만, 극 중 역활로 에루루는 약사겸 간호사로써의 면이 강조되지만 타마오는 유혹하는 자로써 자주 묘사됩니다. 둘 중 에루루가 더 여러 면으로 성숙한 인물이며 결국 극중 인물 대부분의 식사를 관리하고 있다는 것을 생각하면 이 둘의 가장 중요한 차이는 에루루는 천천히 어머니 같은 존재로 발전하지만 타마오는 처음부터 계속 자매같은 존재로 있다는 것이라고 생각됩니다. 현실에서는 대부분을 여자 형제보다는 어머니를 더 중요시 여기겠지만, 애니상 여성 조연으로써는 오히려 여자 형제같은 존재를 어머니 같은 존재보다 더 필요하다고 생각할 지도 모르겠습니다. 이번 시범 경기를 통하여 투표자 분들이 애니속 여성 조연으로 어떤 여성 가족 유형을 더 많이 보기를 원하는 지 조금 알게 될 지도 모르겠습니다. |

#9 Suzumiya Haruhi (30-6, 0-1) vs. Asahina Mikuru (19-17, 1-0)
It is a fight between Brigade leader and Brigade mascot. After losing to Hinagiku, Haruhi finds herself out of the chase for Ruby very early. Though upset that she could not defeat the current Ruby bearer, Haruhi must continue to look forward and maintain her position in the Top 16. Unfortunately her next opponent is someone she adores greatly. Unlike Haruhi, Mikuru won her first-round match and remains in the running for Ruby. The time traveler doesn't want to be left out when both Haruhi and Nagato have won necklaces in their Saimoe careers. She must step up to the plate and give her all in this match. Can Mikuru get one step closer to the Ruby necklace, or will she bend down to the Goddess's strength? |

#11 Sengoku Nadeko (28-8, 1-0) vs. #12 Fujibayashi Kyō (28-8, 1-0)
Today's veteran vs. newcomer match is made more exciting by the fact that they have identical scores; we will see by the match's end which girl is more dominant. Nadeko will be a much welcomed new face among the Top 16 if her performance holds through the end of Diamond. She has beaten opponents of all strengths, and the older Fujibayashi twin is her next target. Kyō is not performing as well as she in the past, but is still Top-16 caliber material. At #12, Kyō has no time to slack off especially being below Nadeko by one rank. To maintain her hopes for a necklace, she must defeat the newcomer who is much stronger than she at first appears. It is a challenge between a girl bound by a snakes and a girl with iron-bound dictionaries. Who will end up victorious? |
Thanks to Kiopi, maglor, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Ruby Period, Round 3

#15 Fate Testarossa (26-11, 1-1) vs. Furukawa Nagisa (23-14, 1-1)
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While Fate's ranking has remained fairly stable at 15th place, she is still but one or two losses away from falling out of the Top 16. Ruby 1's loss to Nagato Yuki was not helpful, but she bounced back with a win in Ruby 2. However, other Contestants are still eagerly knocking at the doorstep; Furukawa Nagisa is no exception with only 3 losses separating herself from Fate. Nagisa's only win so far against a current Top 16 opponent was against 16th ranked Senjōgahara Hitagi back in Emerald 3. However, she aims to prove that the win was no fluke when she takes on the ISML 2008 Tiara bearer. Capitalizing on that, she hopes to move up the ladder far enough to qualify for the Double Elimination event. With so much at stake for both contenders, neither is expected to yield ground to the other. Can Nagisa hand Fate another shocking surprise, or will the 2008 Champion prove that she is still a force to be reckoned with? |

#4 Nagato Yuki (34-3, 2-0) vs. Ikaros (7-30, 1-1)
It is a battle between two extraterrestrial beings as the "humanoid interface" Nagato Yuki crosses paths with "Strategic Battle-Class, Type Alpha" angeloid Ikaros. With 34 wins, 3 losses, and 12 more matches to go, ISML 2010 has been a smooth ride for Yuki so far, and this round is expected to be no different either as she attempts to aim for a Top 5 finish by the end of the regular season. In Ikaros's case, the situation is grim as she is finding it hard to stand up to her more established and high-profile opponents. Despite possessing the body, looks, a gentle nature, and an arsenal of destructive futuristic weaponry, she has not been able to convert these attributes into winning votes and now finds herself languishing among the bottom 10. So will Yuki continue to nullify all who stands in her way? Or can Ikaros raise her game and eke out another win with the capabilities befitting of the Uranus Queen? |
Thanks to Kiopi and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Ruby Period, Round 4

#7 Nakano Azusa (33-5, 3-0) vs. #1 Akiyama Mio (38-0, 3-0)
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Junior vs senior, guitarist vs bassist, club member vs club member. The momentum behind these two makes this match one of the most anticipated in ISML 2010. In one corner is Nakano Azusa, an ISML first-timer who has just recently enjoyed a positive surge in her already high popularity. In the opposite corner is Akiyama Mio, also an ISML first-timer who has amazingly remained undefeated for the entire tournament thus far. With similar long flowing black hair and a serious attitude towards their music, both Contestants could be easily mistaken as sisters. With support for the two expected to be almost on par and the race for the Ruby necklace being very tight, the outcome of this match is sure to be a closely watched one not only by the K-ON! fanbase but also by those of rival series. May the better girl win! |

#15 Senjōgahara Hitagi (26-12 / 2-1) vs. #14 Sanzen'in Nagi (27-11 / 3-0)
Five challengers separated by one win or less are in a statistics batte for the bottom three spots of the Top 16. Two of them will face each other today in an attempt to distance themselves from the bottom of the pack and secure their position in the postseason. Hitagi was determined to reach the top of ISML in her first tournament appearance, making a huge impact by receiving the second most nominations in the preseason. She has held a Top 16 spot in the regular season since Aquamarine 4 but has closely watched all the newcomers and veterans who wanted her precious seat. Her first defeat in the preliminaries came at the hands of the opponent whom she will be facing today. Nagi has finished the past two seasons of ISML with winning records but was unable to reach the finals each time. If she is going to reach the top this year, she must improve her 5-2 and 4-3 records from previous Periods. Nagi is on the right track by defeating Saber, a top-10 oppponent, in her first Round 1 win this regular season. If her luck holds up, she may claim the Ruby necklace. With eleven rounds remaining in the regular season, the pressure is on both girls to win today's rematch. Will Hitagi get her revenge and hold her ground in the Top 16, or will Nagi, the expreienced veteran, prove that her first victory against her opponent was no fluke? |

#11 Fujibayashi Kyō (30-8, 3-0) vs. #16 Fate Testarossa (26-12, 1-2)
After a surprising loss to Nagisa, Fate now finds herself relying on tiebreakers against other 26-12 Contestants to remain in the Top 16. The ISML 2008 champion has a 1-2 record for the first time this year and needs a quick comeback immediately, lest she lose control of her Top 16 destiny. Today she must face yet another CLANNAD girl, Kyō. Thanks to Nagisa's win, Kyō has the momentum coming into this match. The former Sapphire necklace winner is still undefeated this Period and seeks to add a Ruby necklace to her collection. If Nagisa is able to defeat her, Kyō should be able to take her down as well and bump her out of the Top 16. However, it will be a much harder match with Fate giving everything she has in order to defend her Top 16 position. It is a battle between a necklace winner with no championship title and a Tiara winner with no necklaces. Can Kyō pull off a win here and show Fate the Bottom 34, or will the former champion show Kyō the door out of the Ruby necklace run? |

Hiiragi Kagami (26-12, 2-1) vs. Shiina Mafuyu (24-14, 2-1)
The first arena of Round 4 contains an interesting veteran vs. newcomer match. Although the Ruby necklace is out of reach for both girls, a much greater goal is in sight – being part of the Top 16 and the postseason tournament. Kagami has the better chance at present, tying with Hitagi and Fate in total wins but slightly behind in the SDO tiebreaker. The 2008 Saimoe Japan champion has been fighting hard to return to the Top 16 since Emerald 3 and cannot afford to lose any more matches. Newcomer Mafuyu is farther away from the Top 16, also having yet to see it, but her chances have not yet run out. She has made a surprising stand for herself, defeating both newcomers and veterans alike. As the only member of Seitokai no Ichizon who still has a realistic chance to reach the Double Elimination tournament, Mafuyu would like nothing more than to represent her council in the postseason. Voters should decide carefully who they would like to see in the Top 16 when the dust settles. |

#9 Suzumiya Haruhi (32-6, 2-1) vs. #8 Sakagami Tomoyo (32-6, 2-1)
The heat is on as two major characters from Kyoto Animation square off to see who is more dominant. On one side we have Haruhi, leader of the SOS Brigade. As an outgoing, energetic, and sensitive person, she makes sure that everything that revolves around her goes according to plan in her terms. If she were to be bored and upset, the world could change drastically. On the other side we have Tomoyo, who has leadership skills of her own as student body president. A beautiful, strong, and serious person, she makes sure that things are running smoothly on school grounds and in the surrounding community. If there is any bullying or other trouble, she will quiet them down personally. Today they seek a friendly fight on equal terms in more ways than one. Having the same win-loss record and currently side-by-side in the overall rankings, can the 2008 Ruby and Diamond necklace winner show off her dominance today, or will the 2009 Aquamarine necklace winner prove that her opponent is no match? |

#10 Saber (31-7, 2-1) vs. #12 Sengoku Nadeko (29-9, 2-1)
Another rookie who deserves praise this year is Sengoku Nadeko. While she is not the top-performing first-year Contestant in 2010, Nadeko's steely resolve and unwavering spirit has rewarded her the 12th ranked position in a field dominated mostly by veteran characters. However, Nadeko's losses so far all came at the hands of higher-ranked opponents, and hoping to capitalize on that fact is the Heroic Spirit of royal lineage, Saber. While comfortably placed to enter the Double Elimination event, Saber knows from experience that the battle is still far from over and that any small lapse in concentration could be fatal even if it is against a lower-ranked newcomer like Nadeko. Will Saber ride on towards victory, or can Nadeko claim her first higher-ranked kill for the year? |

#6 Aisaka Taiga (35-3, 3-0) vs. #13 Hirasawa Yui (28-10, 2-1)
In Group 13 of the Saimoe Japan 2009 preliminaries, Yui had a great showing with a 27-vote-margin over Taiga, who gained only 594 votes. Few expected their fates to intertwine again in the championship round of the tournament. Taiga won the more important match, leading by 54 votes over Yui's 1278 when the final bell rung. These two face each other again today in ISML. Yui appears to have the advantage with K-ON! airing its second season while Toradora! has since ended. Taiga is still in the running for the Ruby necklace, though, and it is more important for her to continue to assert dominance. Yui is closer to the Top 16 rim and needs to keep her record strong. Can Yui get revenge from J-Saimoe and enjoy some fuwa-fuwa time with Mio and Azusa in the postseason, or will Taiga march onward towards her second necklace? |
Thanks to akumaxx, hinakatbklyn, Kiopi, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Ruby Period, Round 5

Asakura Minami (Touch) vs. Ayukawa Madoka (Kimagure Orange Road)
아 사쿠라 미나미 (터치) 대 아유카와 마도카 (변덕쟁이 오렌지 로드)
浅倉 南 (タッチ) vs. 鮎川 まどか (きまぐれオレンジ☆ロード)
淺倉南 (棒球英豪, 鄰家女孩) vs. 鮎川圓 (橙路)
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The Forever War — Lead female heroine these days can be roughly divided into two categories, supporters and rebels. The supportive leads typically are honor students and very skillful, often being self-sacrificing for others, especially the male lead. The rebellious types instead are possibly tsundere in personality, seeking unconventional and harsh means to approach the male lead, though it's still usually in hopes of making him better. Until the mid 1990's, the best-known representatives of these categories were Asakura Minami, the multi-talented honor-student childhood friend, and Ayukawa Madoka, the emotionless fearsome bike-riding gang-fighter. At a closer look, however, both characters don't truly subscribe to the two aforementioned archetypes; it was the overwhelming popularity of their series during the 1980's that made people label the girls as such based on their exterior personalities. Touch held the highest ratings in the 80s and was used to symbolize the decade when referencing it in present-day discussion about past anime. Ayukawa Madoka can be viewed as the epitome of "Taming of the Shrew"-like development for the male lead; such a character type is ideal to be used in contrast and in competition with a Minami-type gentle girl in love-triangle situations. Although the war for the heart of anime fans between two archetypes was firmly recognized after a couple of months into 터치에서의 아사쿠라 미나미 대 키마구레 오렌지 로드의 아유카와 마도카 : 영원한 대결 — 최 근 등장하는 여주인공들의 유형을 둘로 나누면 모범생형과 반항아형으로 나눌 수 있습니다. 모범생형은 예쁘고 예의바르고 뭐든지 해내면서 주인공을 도와주는 유형이라 할 수 있으며, 반항아형은 모범생형에 반대되는 개념은 아니지만 사회 통념에 따르길 싫어하고 주인공의 발전을 위해서라면 다소 엄하거나 난폭하게 구는 경향이 있으며, 승부에서 물러나는 것을 싫어하는 유형입니다. 이 두 가지 유형들은 고전 문학에서도 존재하였지만, 1990년대 중반까지의 애니계에서는 다재다능한 소꼽친구의 표본인 아사쿠라 미나미와 감정 표현이 적은 오토바이족 여전사 아유카와 마도카가 각기 가장 대표적인 인물들로 꼽혔습니다. 아사쿠라 미나미와 아유카와 마도카의 명성은 뿌리 깊은 것이어서 이들의 성향에 대한 잘못된 이해로부터 순종형 소꼽친구나 츤데레 유형이 생겨났다고 할 수 있습니다. 80년대 중반, 작품 '터치'는 30%가 넘는 어마어마한 시청률을 기록하면서 가장 많은 사람들이 본 애니중 하나가 되었으며, 아사쿠라 미나미는 '친절하고 완벽한 누나같은 여주인공'의 대표격으로 취급되면서 메텔로 부터 유행한 '어머니이며 연인같던' 당시의 여주인공상을 바꿔 놓은 인물로 꼽히고 있습니다. 여기서 한층 더 발전해, '동경의 대상이 되는 강인한 친구같은 여성상'의 개념을 자리잡게 한 인물이 바로 아유카와 마도카로써, 미나미와 마도카 둘중 누구를 고르는 가 하는 문제는 남자 인물중에서 '안소니' 랑 '테리우스' 중 하나를 고르듯 그 사람의 취향을 구별할 수 있는 방법으로 유행하기도 했습니다. 마도카의 경우, 애니 '오렌지로드' 시리즈가 '터치'만큼의 성공을 거두지는 못했지만, 강렬하며 관능적이면서 동시에 냉정해 보이는 첫인상 때문에 아직도 기억하는 사람들이 많습니다. 요즘의 애니 인물들 사이에서도 마도카처럼 주변 인물들과 충돌이 잦은 유형의 인물을 찾을 수 있으며, 심지어 '터치'의 작가 아다치 미츠루의 최신작 '크로스 게임'에서마저 여주인공 츠키시마 아오바가 마도카와 닮은 일면이 있습니다. (같은 작품에서 등장하는 타키가와 아카네는 미나미형의 인물이라 할 수 있습니다.) 두 작품의 전성기로 부터 거의 20년이 넘는 세월이 지난 지금, 어쩌면 영원히 계속될 이 미나미의 '구 이상형' 대 마도카의 '신 이상형'의 대결에서 여러분은 어떤 선택을 하실지 궁금합니다. |

#14 Hirasawa Yui (28-11, 2-2) vs. Hirasawa Ui (14-25, 2-2)
The last K-ON! versus K-ON! match of the regular season is between sisters Yui and Ui. While they could pass as twins by looks, their mannerisms are quite different: Yui is a carefree, energetic senior with a sweet tooth, while Ui is a rational, mature junior with a sharp maternal instinct. These personalities complement each other very well, though; the bond between the two sisters is unbreakable. Here in the regular season, Yui and Ui have both lost to series rivals Mio and Azusa. Which of the two will finish today at 0-3? Yui also has a Top 16 spot to defend, so her stakes are just a bit higher. |

Furukawa Nagisa (25-14, 3-1) vs. #11 Fujibayashi Kyō (31-8, 4-0)
For two best friends who must square off today, it's not personal, just business. Nagisa has taken a surprising turn for the better, dealing major blows to the Top 16 such as hot newcomer Senjōgahara Hitagi and 2008 champion Fate Testarossa. The Dango Daikazoku fan is on a three-win streak currently and is one win away from the Top 16 doorstep. But the next challenge in front of her is Kyō, who has sat comfortably in the Top 16 since Topaz 4 and just recently handed Fate Testarossa another defeat as well. The 2008 Sapphire winner continues to seek additional necklaces. Twice this year she has finished a Period 6-1 with a loss in the final round. Kyō hopes to turn her fortune around in Ruby, and she will not let even a best friend stand in her way. Which of these two will finish as the better heroine of CLANNAD? |
Thanks to maglor and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Ruby Period, Round 6

Echo (Pandora Hearts) vs. Lafiel Abriel (Crest of the Stars)
エコー (パンドラハーツ) vs. Abriel Nei Debrusc Borl Paryun Lafiel (星界の紋章)
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It is a challenge between two girls with similar archetypes from in different time periods. In the past there was Abriel, a silent-moe type, is a princess of the Abh race, but she rarely acts like one and hates being treated as one. Abriel longs for someone who could understand her and treat her like a normal person despite her high status. She is kind-hearted and shrewd, but her feelings can get the best of her, leading to stubborn and impulsive behaviors. Ten years later, this personality appears in Echo. As Vincent's servant, Echo is extremely loyal and obeys his every command, from assassination to drinking poison. As time passes, Echo doubts Vincent's love for her and decides to leave him. Although she is strong and emotionless, Echo wishes for someone to treat her normally much like with Abriel. When both damsels in distress find the missing piece in their lives, they realize that they should have chosen this path in the first place. Voters today should decide carefully which time frame they will support in this battle. Who will come out as the victor in a Past vs. Present match: a princess or a servant? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Ruby Period, Round 7

#3 Shana (40-1, 6-0 SDO 39) vs. #2 Katsura Hinagiku (41-0, 6-0 SDO 45)
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On April Fools' Day of 2008, Shana edged out Katsura Hinagiku by 40 votes during Aquamarine 1 of ISML 2008 in what would be the beginning of the most exciting rivalries ever seen in the years to come. One year, 3 months, and 17 days later, Shana widened the gap to 669 votes during Diamond 9 of ISML 2009 only to see eventual Tiara winner, Hinagiku, turn the tables on her not once but twice during Double Elimination in the same year by 282 and 11 votes respectively. Fast forward to ISML 2010 – these two long-time rivals cross swords once again in today's Ruby 7 match where the stakes could not be any higher. For Hinagiku, a win is crucial if she hopes to have any chance in defending her Ruby necklace against the current necklace candidate, Akiyama Mio. An undefeated record is also a morale booster when she takes on Mio in ISML's regular season finale match, Diamond 7. As for Shana, denying Hinagiku a win would be sweet payback for the defeats received last year. And so begins the duel of fates. |

#1 Akiyama Mio (41-0, 6-0 SDO 57) vs. #5 Aisaka Taiga (38-3, 6-0 SDO 45)
The Ruby necklace is up for grabs in the final round and two necklace winners are looking to add a second necklace to their record. Akiyama Mio has beaten everyone in her path, including big names such as Shana, Yuki, and Mikoto. As the current leader of Ruby and one of two challengers in ISML who has not yet lost a match, the bassist for the light music club has made an early statement that she wants to wear the Tiara this year. However, she has yet to win a major tournament. Her opponent's resume on the other hand already includes two championship titles. Taiga is probably one of Mio's biggest challenges as of yet. Taiga is the second girl to have two championship titles in the same year, one in Japan Anime Saimoe 2009 and one in Korea Best Moe 2009. The palmtop tiger is a powerful force to be reckoned with, and defeating her will actually say something for Mio. Both girls will have to give it their all if they want to add 'the fourth girl to receive two necklaces in the same year and the fifth girl with two necklaces' to their resume. While both challengers have secured themselves a spot in the postseason this year, the pressure is on both of them to continue winning their matches. Can Mio outshine her competition with her music and have a chance at becoming the only challenger in ISML to finish the season with an unbeaten record, or will Taiga trample on her and become the first girl to defeat Mio? |

#10 Saber (34-7, 5-1) vs. #6 Misaka Mikoto (38-3, 6-0 SDO 42)
Our next two challengers may be in the top 10 right now, but one mistake could either end their postseason early or end their season altogether. Saber knows what it feels like to have a decent start to a season, only to have a bad finish and fall short at the end. In 2009, she only had to contend with one loss during Aquamarine and Topaz and two losses during Amethyst and Sapphire. She was unable to contiune her good luck in Emerald, Ruby, and Diamond and as a result, falling two wins short of reaching the finals. She could have faced a big setback by losing a close match to Nagi earlier this period, but her overall performance this year has been fairly solid, likely rewarding her with a Top 16 berth this year. Her opponent on the other hand didn't have much of a chance last season to reach the finals, but she has made a huge recovery by having a sucessful 2010 season. Misaka Mikoto has so far won all of her matches during Aquamarine and Amethyst. With a win today, she could finish Ruby with an unbeaten record as well. Her only losses have come at the hands of Hinagiku during Topaz, Shana during Sapphire, and Mio during Emerald, two of which have not yet lost a match this season. Another one of her setbacks involves trying to win a necklace this season. She reached the final round of Aquamarine and Topaz with an opportunity to win a necklace, but either lost the final match or got a bad break. While she is more concerned about winning this match and reaching the postseason, deep down, she is hoping for a lucky break of her own in another match which could give her another chance at winning a necklace. Will the Railgun electrocute her opponent and continue her rise to the top, or can Saber finish off her opponent and put her past history behind her. |

#15 Hiiragi Kagami (29-12, 5-1) vs. Tōsaka Rin (28-13, 5-1)
After returning to the Top 16 following Ruby 4, Kagami has given herself a one-win buffer above #16 Fate and can afford a bit of a breather at #15. The 2008 Japan Anime Saimoe champion would like to maintain or increase this comfort zone all the way through Diamond, but she will be facing tought competition as time runs out. Sorceress Rin has had a roller-coaster ride this year as an ISML participant, jumping in and out of the Top 16 many times. Unfortunately for her, she has been on the wrong side of the line since Sapphire 4. Today she challenges Kagami for a chance to narrow the gap and edge her way across the Top 16 line. A win or loss for either girl will greatly change the difficulty of Diamond Period; who will stay praising and who will leave crying? |
Thanks to hinakatbkyln, Kiopi, and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.