Featured Matches - ISML 2010 Diamond Period
Diamond Period, Round 1

#1 Akiyama Mio (41-1) vs. #16 Fate Testarossa (28-14)
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If Ruby Period was too hot to handle for some voters, then Diamond period will certainly raise the suspense to explosive levels. The opening round today features a highly anticipated match of large-scale newcomer vs. veteran. Even after a surprising loss to Aisaka Taiga last week, Akiyama Mio still finds herself reigning supreme in the cumulative standings. Afterschool Tea Time's bassist has quite the potential for becoming the bearer of the Tiara in this year's ISML. The best way to achieve that is to defeat everyone this Period and hold her #1 position. The problem with this plan is the person she must face today: Fate Testarossa. Ruby Period was not a great one for the former Tiara champion; she finished at 3-4, the worst performance of the whole season thus far. Finding herself at #16, Fate cannot afford any more losses for the rest of the season. Experience is a big factor in this match. Mio is a fresh rising star while Fate knows what it is like to be a dominating force and a champion. Even though her strength is not as great as it has been in the past, Fate still proves to be a force to be reckoned with. The stakes are definitely in this match; who will prevail? |

#8 Suzumiya Haruhi (36-6) vs. #6 Misaka Mikoto (39-3)
Diamond Period is the final stretch before the postseason. At this point, the Top 8 have enough points to advance, but they still battle for the highest seed in the rankings. Misaka Mikoto has made the most of her second appearance in ISML by spending the majority of the season in the top 5. Only a difference in SDO is keeping her outside the top 5 coming into today's match. She has managed to keep a low profile despite a high ranking throughout the season, but her winning the Ruby Necklace through skill and luck has brought her to everyone's attention. If Mikoto wants to continue her good fortune in Diamond and finish the season in the top 5, she will have to contend with a challenger who won two consecutive necklaces in 2009. Suzumiya Haruhi has finished the past two seasons in the top 3 and, at worst, lost only four matches in a single season. Despite her success in the regular season, she has come short in the postseason by winning only one match in both 2008 and 2009 before being eliminated. Necklaces have eluded Haruhi this year, as her six losses have all come in Round 1 of every Period so far. The trend puts her at a disadvantage today against Mikoto, but she hopes to break that streak before the end and build some important momentum for the postseason. Can the goddess dispose of her opponent and have a chance at winning a second Diamond necklace, or will the railgun electrocute her opponent and make a statement that she will be in the running for the Tiara as well? |
Thanks to hinakatbklyn and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Diamond Period, Round 2

Bernkastel (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) vs. Lucy (Elfen Lied)
ベルンカステル(うみねこのなく頃に) vs. ルーシー (エルフェンリート)
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Today's exhibition match consists of two girls who are known to have split personalities. Bernkastel is a blunt and cruel witch known as the Witch of Miracles. Her power allows her to reset time as long as the probability of a favorable situation is not exactly zero. Because of this power, she is shown to have a great resemblance to ISML veteran Furude Rika, who experiences situations where time is seemingly reset. Bernkastel can be seen as Rika's "alter ego" whenever Rika talks in her "adult and mature" voice. Lucy is a cold and sadistic diclonius who kills people without any regrets. Because she was alienated by people in the past, Lucy hates humans and resents them. Her split personality, Nyu, is her foil who is known for her cheerful and childlike personality. Unless Nyu is traumatized or hits her head, which causes her to turn into Lucy, hardly anyone would know that Lucy and Nyu are two different people who share the same body. These powerful girls will fight today to see who is the stronger of the two. Will the witch turn this match to her favor, or will the diclonius wipe her off of her feet? |

#11 Fujibayashi Kyō (34-9) vs. Izumi Konata (23-20)
The push towards the Double-Elimination Tournament isn't just about who's #1, and this match is proof. For Fujibayashi Kyō it's 'win and in.' Though this season has been more of a challenge than seasons past, a victory today over her fellow KyoAni stablemate would officially qualify the elder Fujibayashi for the playoffs. For Izumi Konata, today's a little different; it's 'do or die.' Legendary Girl A has struggled to stay above .500 all year, and it has cost her, as a loss today officially eliminates her from playoff contention. Will Kyō make sure both of their fates are sealed today, or can Konata ensure that there will be more to their stories? |

Holo (27-16) vs. #12 Sengoku Nadeko (33-10)
Every girl in the ISML is under immense pressure to perform well this time of year, and few know that better than Holo. Last season, the Wise Wolf of Yoitsu was the final girl to punch her ticket into the Double-Elimination Tournament, but recent struggles has put her in grave danger of missing the cut this year. Although a loss today won't officially eliminate her, Holo knows that without victory today, her chances of making the playoffs are on life support. Sengoku Nadeko is thinking about the playoffs as well, but her thoughts are more optimistic. A victory today officially qualifies her for Double-Elimination, leaving her five matches to focus solely on playoff positioning... if she can slither her way past Holo. |

#14 Hirasawa Yui (31-12, 1-0) vs. #16 Tōsaka Rin (29-14, 1-0)
Finally returning to her spot in the Top 16, Tōsaka Rin should be pleased with the results in Diamond 1. However, this is no time to be celebrating. The sorceress must not lose focus in her remaining matches if she wishes to remain in the Top 16. Her first match after her return to the Top 16 turns out to be a girl who has remained comfortably in the Top 16 since Amethyst 1: Hirasawa Yui. Afternoon Tea Time's singer and guitarist does not plan on moving away from her spot anytime soon. Because of this, Yui can focus more on winning all of her matches to obtain the Diamond necklace. Even so, Rin does not want her returning match to be the reason she will be bumped out of it once again. It is a struggle between a girl who is still trying to obtain a necklace for herself and a girl who is trying to stay in the Top 16 until the season is over; who will prevail? |
Thanks to amdrag and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Diamond Period, Round 3

Kinomoto Sakura (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs. Maehara Shinobu (Love Hina)
木之本 桜 (カードキャプターさくら) vs. 前原 しのぶ (ラブ ひな)
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The founder of the Anime Saimoe Tournament. The mother of all Saimoe Champions. The leading female character that every female anime character looks up to. All of these titles describe one girl only: the first-ever 2002 Anime Saimoe Champion, Kinomoto Sakura. The magical girl is adored and loved by both anime characters and anime fans alike. Sakura is an energetic, cheerful, and optimistic character. She is friendly to everyone whether friend, stranger, or rival. There was no doubt that she was the perfect girl to start off the big bang for later Saimoe tournaments to come ... or so one thought. Her opponent, Maehara Shinobu, can be just as perfect a starter for all Saimoe tournaments. Shinobu is a quiet and sincere girl who is good with cooking and household chores. She would usually involve herself in other people's problems because she wants to help them as best as she can. Unlike Sakura, who lives happily with friends and family, Shinobu did not have many friends, and her parents were filing divorce. Only through the help of her friends was she able to live a comfortable life with everyone at the inn. Shinobu was also a part of the Anime Saimoe Tournament but was eliminated during the first round. After eight years out of action from any Saimoe event, which true veteran of the Saimoe league still has her charm and sweetness? |

#15 Hiiragi Kagami (31-13, 1-1) vs. Furukawa Nagisa (28-16, 2-0)
The final Lucky☆Star vs. CLANNAD match features the most popular girl of her series sitting comfortably in the Top 16 and the main heroine of her series desperate to get the final spot in the Top 16. Ever since Kagami reclaimed a postseason seat in Ruby 4, she has remained steady at #15 through today. If the 2008 Japan Anime Saimoe champion keeps winning, we will surely see her in the Double Elimination tournament. Her next challenge is the wildcard character, Furukawa Nagisa. This match means everything to the Dango Daikazoku fan, who already has wins over Senjōgahara Hitagi and Fate Testarossa. Kagami could be next in the line of upsets, as Nagisa fights to preserve her changes at the Top 16. Nagisa just missed the postseason in 2009, finishing the regular season in 17th place; she hopes to put forth enough effort this year to finish at least one (very important) spot higher. Can Nagisa pull off another dramatic win once again, or will Kagami keep Nagisa's goal just out of reach again? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Diamond Period, Round 4

Hatsune Miku (VOCALOID) vs. Kyonko (Suzumiya Haruki no Seitenkan)
初音ミク (VOCALOID) vs. キョン子 (涼宮ハルキの憂鬱)
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Two highly popular girls with fans from around the world square off in today's exhibition. Hatsune Miku brought widespread fame to the Vocaloid software suite with her debut via the Vocaloid2 engine; she was not the first Vocaloid created, but she remains the most popular and well-recognized. Miku became the basis of future Vocaloid creations to come. Her popularity was so immense that Append - the Future of Miku, which was released recently, was created to further Miku's capabilities as a singer. Another character that has gained widespread popularity is Kyonko, the female counterpart of Kyon. What started as a fun idea by fans to genderbend characters from the Suzumiya Haruhi no Yūutsu series soon turned into a popular trend for many other series. Just like Kyon, Kyonko is an average high school girl that has to live through her school year with the unpredictable Haruki, the male counterpart of Haruhi. Shrewd and logical, Kyonko would do whatever it takes to make sure Haruki does not become bored and alter the world. Both characters are definite fan favorites, but only one girl will be able to leave this match with a smile on her face. In a battle between two majestic divas, who will earn a place in the Exhibition hall of fame? |

#3 Katsura Hinagiku (44-1, 3-0) vs. #14 Hirasawa Yui (33-12, 3-0)
This match can be considered as a prequel to what will conspire next week. Although she was knocked down to spot #3, Katsura Hinagiku still remains a popular and dangerous Contestant in the ISML tournament. The student council president would like nothing more than to finish the regular season on top and obtain her first Diamond necklace. Before she can do that, she has to face a powerful member of the K-ON! faction, Hirasawa Yui. The singer and lead guitarist of Afternoon Tea Time is on fire in this Period. With an undefeated record in Diamond so far, Yui is capable of obtaining her first necklace if she continues winning. Although she was not able to defeat her friend, Mio, she may be able to defeat Hikagiku, which could earn her a very nice statistics boost. If Hinagiku wins, she would use this match to gain some momentum for the final match, Diamond 7. With both girls in desperate need for a win today, can the 2009 Tiara champion come out the victor, or will the band member stop her from getting anywhere near the Diamond necklace? |

#10 Saber (37-8, 3-0) vs. Tōsaka Rin (30-15, 2-1)
Fate really loves to play with these two characters. Both girls have met twice during the middle of the Diamond period in both ISML 2008 and ISML 2009. It is almost as if they were meant to fight each other during the final moments of the ISML regular season. In the Diamond period of ISML 2008, Saber defeated Rin, starting the rivalry at 1-0. The strong and beautiful swordswoman proved that as the main female heroine of Fate stay/night, she is bound to be better than any other female character in it. However, Rin had a deadly trick up her sleeve, and unleashed it as ISML 2009 where she defeated Saber in the same period where Saber defeated her, evening the score at 1-1. The cunning and lavishing sorceress that even someone like her can best someone of Saber's caliber. Once again, today they will face each other in the same period to see who is better than the other. Who will break the tie and show her dominance to the other? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Diamond Period, Round 5

Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service) vs. Sheeta (Laputa: Castle in the Sky)
키키 (마녀 배달부 키키) 대 시타 (천공의 성 라퓨타)
キキ (魔女の 宅急便) vs. シータ (天空の城ラピュタ)
琪琪 (魔女宅急便) vs. 茜黛/希達 (天空之城)
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Battle in the Sky — Today's exhibition characters originate from the same animation studio, but their target viewers could not be more different. While Sheeta is the heroine of the movie that many people consider to be the pinnacle of 1980's animation and is accepted as an ideal heroine by many male viewers, Kiki is the heroine of the movie that symbolizes changes in attitudes within the anime industry and is a favorite of many female viewers. Sheeta is the classic damsel-in-distress type in need of a knight's help, while Kiki is a modern girl seeking economic independence. In terms of appearance and personality, Sheeta is a calm, observant beauty like an angel from the sky, while Kiki is rash girl who soars through the sky. It is as if they represent past and future views of females in Japanese society. However, Sheeta does not represent obsolete mannerism of the old. Rather she demonstrates independence, fortitude, and self reliance that was expected of traditional ideal strong heroines. Instead of rosy hopes of the future, Kiki represents realistic female types that should continue to thrive in future. So of the two differing models of ideal women, which type will our voters prefer? 자, 둘다 지브리인데 왜 대비될 수 있을가요? 그것은 두 여주인공이 호소하고 있는 집단이 아주 다르기 때문입니다. 시타는 80년대 애니 절정기를 대표하는 작품중 하나의 여주인공으로서 많은 남성들에게 이상적인 여주인공으로 받들여 지는 인물입니다. 키키는 80년대말, 애니 분위기의 변화를 상징할 수 있는 작품의 여주인공으로써 여성들에게 호평을 받는 여주인공입니다. 시타는 고전적인 위기의 공주라면 키키는 현대적인 경제 독립을 추구하는 여성이라 할 수 있지요. 성격과 외모에서도 시타는 차분하고 관찰력이 높은 하늘에서 떨어진 천사같은 미인이고, 키키는 덤벙대고 성질 급하며 곡예와 같은 빗자루 비행을 하는 평범하면서 활발한 소녀라 할 수 있습니다. 이 둘의 모습은 어쩌면 과거와 미래의 일본 사회의 여성관이 투영된 것이라고 할 수 있습니다. 그렇지만 시타는 과거의 여성관이라고 해서 구태의연하기 보다는 과거 사회에서 받아들일 수 있을 정도의 독립적이고 나름 진취적인 이상적 여성형이라 할 수 있고, 키키는 미래의 밝은 희망보다는 미래에서도 통용될 만한 현실적인 여성형이라고 할 수도 있습니다. 이상적인 여성에 관한 지브리의 두개의 보기중 어느 것을 얼마나 사람들이 뽑는지를 통하여 우리는 현재 애니 팬들의 가치관의 지향점을 알 수 있을지도 모르겠습니다. |
Thanks to maglor for contributing today's match previews.
Diamond Period, Round 6

Furukawa Nagisa (30-17, 4-1) vs. #3 Katsura Hinagiku (46-1, 5-0)
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This is probably Nagisa's last chance to be able to grasp the last spot in the Top 16. Although she had major wins over Fate and Hitagi, Nagisa still must ascend further to defeat the much higher-ranked Hinagiku. Nagisa can still put up a fight this late in the season. The Dango Daikazoku fan has done almost everything possible to get into the Top 16 in the previous ISML tournaments but went home empty-handed in both occasions. Hinagiku, unlike her opponent, has clinched her place in the postseason and has fewer worries. Today's match does not concern her as much as the regular season finale on Sunday, but the student council president knows to keep her guard up always as well. Can Nagisa perform the most unexpected upset, or is it fated for Hinagiku to defeat her with ease? |
Thanks to Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.
Diamond Period, Round 7

#17 Tōsaka Rin (32-16, 4-2) vs. #16 Senjōgahara Hitagi (32-16, 4-2)
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After all of the blood, sweat, and tears, these two are the remaining girls who have a chance to take the last spot in the Top 16. Hitagi was able to return to #16 after Diamond 5 when she slipped out of it after Ruby 4. The self-proclaimed tsundere has had an interesting season in 2010, keeping up with the veterans despite being a newcomer to ISML. Unlike those that rank above her, she cannot celebrate entry to the postseason early, for her opponent today could end those hopes just inches before the finish line. Rin has had a roller-coaster ride herself in 2010, as she has been bumping in and out of the Top 16 in almost every Period. When it comes to the post-season, however, the sorceress can get very serious. Experience is an important factor in this match. Hitagi is a fresh newcomer who wants to understand what being at the top feels like while Rin has already been there once and wishes to go again to prove her worth. In the most important veteran vs. newcomer match, can Hitagi show that it is time for a new face to emerge, or can Rin prove the experience can be beneficial in times such as these? |

#1 Shana (47-1, 6-0, SDO 69) vs. #4 Aisaka Taiga (45-3, 6-0, SDO 36)
The fate of the Diamond necklace rests between two girls and on probably the most important match in the Diamond period. The Flame Haze literally burned through her competition, and her fires do not seem to be extinguishing just yet. With an SDO of 69, the highest that any girl has ever had after a Round-6 standing, Shana will not be stopping her momentum anytime soon. With a record four ISML necklaces and many additonal titles on her résumé, a win for Shana today will make her the first girl to receive five necklaces and the first girl to have three necklaces in one season — that is, if she can defeat her opponent today, whose accomplishments are just as notale. Probably the most unpredictable girl in ISML, the Palmtop Tiger has made many interesting entries in the ISML history book. Last year, in Ruby 8, she was the second girl after Sakagami Tomoyo to defeat top-ranked Suzumiya Haruhi. This year, in Ruby 7, she ended Mio's undefeated streak. Along with being a dual champion in 2009 Anime Saimoe and Korea Best Moe, Taiga could very will be just the type of person Shana would like to come face to face with at the end of the regular season. When the dust is settled and everything is clear and calm, will the flames tame the beast, or will the beast overcome the flames? |

#2 Akiyama Mio (47-1, 6-0) vs. #3 Katsura Hinagiku (47-1, 6-0)
While both of these girls are in the hunt for the Diamond necklace (should Shana lose today), these two have bigger dreams in mind. Although her seeding may say otherwise, Akiyama Mio's fate in the race for the #1 seed is in her own hands. Regardless of what Shana does in her match, Mio will lock up the top seed in the Double-Elimination tournament with a win. That will not be easy, as Katsura Hinagiku will have something to say about it. The student council president has her own aspirations of taking the #1 seed, and would do so with a win and a Shana loss. Having already lost to Shana, a victory over Mio would serve as a big reminder that she is still the defending ISML champion and won't give up the Tiara without a fight. |

#8 Suzumiya Haruhi (41-7, 5-1) vs. #7 Nakano Azusa (42-6, 6-0)
Suzumiya Haruhi's 2009 was a tale of two seasons; she started the regular season 44-0, but limped to a 15-4 finish and a 9th place ranking at Double-Elimination's end. This year has been a different story; she's been nothing if not consistant. The Brigade Leader has lost every period's first match, but has gone undefeated in Rounds 2-7. That record will be tested today, as she faces perhaps the hottest girl in the league. Nakano Azusa has won her last 9 matches, including a win over Nagato Yuki in Diamond 4. A win over the 2008 Diamond necklace holder would not only give Azu-nyan a shot a Diamond necklace of her own (should Shana lose), but would also complete a clean sweep over the SOS Brigade, who make up three of her final five opponents. |

Hyūga Hinata (NARUTO) vs. Kuchiki Rukia (BLEACH)
日向 ヒナタ (NARUTO -ナルト-) vs. 朽木 ルキア (BLEACH)
휴우가 히나타 (나루토) vs. 쿠치키 루키아 (블리치)
What better way to end the Diamond exhibition match than to have these two girls square off. From the hit series NARUTO and BLEACH come two highly popular girls, each with her own unique personality and story to share. Hyūga Hinata is a kind and caring girl, but is known for her shyness and lack of self-confidence. This is due to the fact that her father sees her as an incompetent daughter, later abandoning her. Nevertheless, this incident only made Hinata wish to become stronger physically and mentally. As time progressed, she did become the stronger, more capable person she sought, and won redemption from her father. Kuchiki Rukia is an outgoing and rash girl and can be seen as Hinata's foil. However, this is a mask to cover her sorrowful past. Fretting over the fact that she was the reason for her friend's death, Ruika fears that any death of someone close to her is her fault. Because of this, she wishes to become stronger to protect those she cares about. When someone close to her dies, she enters a depressed state, thinking that the situation would be better had she not intervened in his or her life. However, through her friends, she is able to overcome her depression and continue to become stronger with her friends. With the pride of these two girls in the line for the final regular season exhibition match, can Hinata prove her worth and strength today, or will Ruika show how dominant she is over her? |
Thanks to amdrag and Momento10 for contributing today's match previews.